The meaning of the name Stolzenbach

The family name Stolzenbach is classified as an origin name.

The definition of the origin names is either the place of residence of a person or the name of the city the person was descanted. In some cases the origin name was taken from a signed house. Theses houses were signed by a names plate or a carving above the entrance.

The name Stolzenbach was developed out of the name of the village Stolzenbach. The village is in Germany westerly of Homberg. It was mentioned the very first time in 1266 documentarily as "Stolzinbach". Today it is a part of the city Borken.

In my opinion I believe that all ancestors of the name Stolzenbach are coming out of the area around Homberg.

The Elymologie of this name could matter in the Slavonic term "stoler" which means "settled area", or "populated place" and is combined with the word "bach” (creek).
The best known variants of the family name Stolzenbach are Stoltzenbach and Stolzenbacher.

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